Divide Decimals & Fractions Quick Check 5 of 5 5 of 5 Items Question What is the quotient when you divide −235 by 45?(1 point) Responses −314 3 Start Fraction 1 over 4 End Fraction −234 negative 2

The correct answer is: -234

To find the quotient when you divide -235 by 45, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up the division problem: -235 ÷ 45

Step 2: Divide: Start with the first digit of -235, which is 2. Since 2 is less than 45, you can't divide 2 by 45. Bring down the next digit, which is 3. So far, the dividend is 23.

Step 3: Divide: Now divide 23 by 45. Since 23 is less than 45, you can't divide 23 by 45. Bring down the next digit, which is 5. So far, the dividend is 235.

Step 4: Divide: Now divide 235 by 45. 45 goes into 235 five times (45 x 5 = 225). Subtract 225 from 235 to get 10.

Step 5: Divide: Now divide 10 by 45. Since 10 is less than 45, you can't divide 10 by 45. Bring down the next digit, which is 0.

Step 6: Divide: Now divide 100 by 45. 45 goes into 100 two times (45 x 2 = 90). Subtract 90 from 100 to get 10.

Step 7: Divide: Now divide 10 by 45. Since 10 is less than 45, you can't divide 10 by 45. Bring down the next digit, which is 0.

Step 8: Divide: Now divide 100 by 45. 45 goes into 100 two times (45 x 2 = 90). Subtract 90 from 100 to get 10.

Step 9: Continue this process until you have enough decimal places or if the division repeats.

Since the division doesn't repeat and we are not looking for decimal places, we can stop here.

Therefore, the quotient when you divide -235 by 45 is -5 remainder 10.

So the answer is -5.

To divide -235 by 45, we can follow these steps:

1. Write down the division problem: -235 ÷ 45.
2. Start dividing from left to right. Begin with the leftmost digit of -235 which is -2.
3. Divide -2 by 45. The quotient is -0.04.
4. Write down the quotient (-0.04) below the line.
5. Multiply the quotient (-0.04) by 45: -0.04 × 45 = -1.8.
6. Subtract -1.8 from -2: -2 - (-1.8) = -2 + 1.8 = -0.2.
7. Bring down the next digit from -235, which is 3.
8. We now have -0.2 with 3 as the next digit. Add a decimal point after -0.2 to get -0.2.3.
9. Divide -0.23 by 45. The quotient is approximately -0.00511.
10. Write down the quotient (-0.00511) below the line.
11. Multiply the quotient (-0.00511) by 45: -0.00511 × 45 = -0.22995.
12. Subtract -0.22995 from -0.23: -0.23 - (-0.22995) = -0.23 + 0.22995 = -0.00005.
13. Continue this process until you reach the desired level of precision or until the division terminates.

In this case, the quotient is approximately -0.00511.