What is the approximate lifespan of durable goods? (1 point) Responses Three or more years Three or more years Fifteen to twenty years Fifteen to twenty years Six months to one year Six months to one year Infinite

Fifteen to twenty years

The approximate lifespan of durable goods can vary depending on the specific product. However, in general, durable goods are expected to last for three or more years. Some durable goods, like appliances or furniture, can last for fifteen to twenty years or even longer. On the other hand, there are also durable goods with a shorter lifespan, typically lasting between six months to one year. Additionally, there are certain durable goods with an indefinite lifespan, meaning they can last indefinitely with proper maintenance and care.

To determine the approximate lifespan of durable goods, we can look at the information provided. The options given range from three or more years, fifteen to twenty years, six months to one year, and infinite.

The first option, three or more years, suggests that durable goods typically last for at least three years. This means that they are designed to withstand regular use and not wear out quickly.

The second option, fifteen to twenty years, indicates that some durable goods can last for a considerably longer time. This may include items such as appliances, furniture, or vehicles that are built with a longer lifespan in mind.

The third option, six months to one year, is a shorter duration. This range might apply to certain consumable goods or lower-quality items that are not designed for long-term use.

Finally, the option "infinite" suggests that some durable goods, such as certain materials or structures, do not have a predetermined lifespan and can potentially last indefinitely with proper maintenance and care.

Considering the provided responses, it appears that durable goods generally have a lifespan ranging from at least three years to potentially an indefinite duration.