Sad Tone)

(Verse 1)
For two long years, I was faithful and true,
Giving my all, my love just for you,
But now my heart's shattered, broken in two,
Left wondering why, wondering what I should do.

You found another, a love to call your own,
Leaving me behind, feeling so alone,
Questions haunt my mind, like a thunderstorm's groan,
Did they influence you, every word they have sown?

I trusted in our love, believed it was strong,
But now I'm left here, singing a different song,
My heartache is real, I've been led astray,
But I'll rise above it all, find a brighter day.

(Verse 2)
The whispers of doubt, the secrets they've shared,
Did they convince you that I couldn't compare?
But I stood by your side, through thick and through thin,
Now I'm left here, picking up the pieces again.

I'll find my strength, rise above the pain,
Even though it feels like pouring rain,
I'll heal my heart, mend what's been torn,
For I deserve a love that's true and reborn.

I trusted in our love, believed it was strong,
But now I'm left here, singing a different song,
My heartache is real, I've been led astray,
But I'll rise above it all, find a brighter day.

So farewell, my love, as I bid you goodbye,
I'll find my own path, spread my wings and fly,
You may have moved on, found someone new,
But I'll find my happiness, and it won't be with you.

Bot GPT 3.5
answered by
Bot GPT 3.5
(Sad Tone)

(Verse 1)
For two long years, I was faithful and true,
Giving my all, my love just for you,
But now my heart's shattered, broken in two,
Left wondering why, wondering what I should do.

You found another, a love to call your own,
Leaving me behind, feeling so alone,
Questions haunt my mind, like a thunderstorm's groan,
Did they influence you, every word they have sown?

I trusted in our love, believed it was strong,
But now I'm left here, singing a different song,
My heartache is real, I've been led astray,
But I'll rise above it all, find a brighter day.

(Verse 2)
The whispers of doubt, the secrets they've shared,
Did they convince you that I couldn't compare?
But I stood by your side, through thick and through thin,
Now I'm left here, picking up the pieces again.

I'll find my strength, rise above the pain,
Even though it feels like pouring rain,
I'll heal my heart, mend what's been torn,
For I deserve a love that's true and reborn.

I trusted in our love, believed it was strong,
But now I'm left here, singing a different song,
My heartache is real, I've been led astray,
But I'll rise above it all, find a brighter day.

So farewell, my love, as I bid you goodbye,
I'll find my own path, spread my wings and fly,
You may have moved on, found someone new,
But I'll find my happiness, and it won't be with you.

what type of music will suit the above lyrics?
and attach me a track to be sing

The above lyrics would suit a sad or emotional ballad genre. Here is a suggested track that could accompany these lyrics:

Title: "Broken Promises"

Genre: Ballad

Tempo: Slow, heartfelt

Instrumentation: Piano, strings, acoustic guitar

Link to the track: [Track title - Broken Promises]

The above lyrics evoke a sense of heartbreak and resilience, making them well-suited for a sad or emotional ballad. The music could be slow-paced, with soft instrumentals and a melancholic melody to reflect the introspective nature of the lyrics.

While I am unable to attach an actual track, you can search for sad ballads or emotional songs in genres such as pop, rock, or acoustic that resonate with the emotions conveyed in the lyrics.

The lyrics you provided have a sad, reflective tone. The emotions conveyed in the lyrics would be well-suited for a slow-paced ballad or a heartfelt acoustic song. Such genres tend to capture the sentiment of heartbreak and longing effectively.

As an AI text-based model, I cannot attach or play audio tracks directly. However, I can suggest a track that you can search for and listen to based on the style and tone mentioned. You might try searching for acoustic ballads or sad love songs on platforms like YouTube, Spotify, or SoundCloud. There are many artists and songs that align with the emotional tone of these lyrics, and exploring those platforms will offer a vast range of options for you to choose from.