Exercise: Find an elementary physical education curriculum from a local school system. The district website links are below. Not every school system posts

their guide online.
Districts in Virginia (websites)
Virginia SOL's
SHAPE- Standards are also listed in the Modue 5 PPT.

• Kindergarten curriculum. Examine the curriculum and discuss the various aspects of curriculum and planning discussed in this module. Does the curriculum allow for various types of assessment? Does it proivde opportunities for direct and indirect
teaching? Is differentiation provided? Does it align with the VA SOL's? Does it align with the SHAPE Standards?

To complete this exercise, you would need to visit the websites of local school districts in Virginia to find an elementary physical education curriculum. Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I don't have the capability to browse the internet or access specific websites.

However, you can follow these steps to find an elementary physical education curriculum from a local school system in Virginia:

1. Visit the websites of local school districts in Virginia. Some districts may have a specific curriculum section on their website, while others may have curriculum information within their physical education department pages.

2. Look for information related to the elementary physical education curriculum. This could be found under headings such as "Curriculum," "Physical Education," or "Elementary Education."

3. Once you find the curriculum, examine its content and consider the following aspects:

- Types of assessment: Does the curriculum include various types of assessment methods, such as formative assessments, summative assessments, or performance-based assessments?

- Teaching methods: Does the curriculum provide opportunities for direct instruction (teacher-led) and indirect instruction (student-led or group work)? Are there examples of different teaching strategies and techniques?

- Differentiation: Does the curriculum account for student diversity and provide differentiation strategies for students with different abilities and needs?

- Alignment: Does the curriculum align with the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) for physical education? Does it also align with the SHAPE Standards (Society of Health and Physical Educators)?

By examining these aspects of the curriculum, you can determine whether it is comprehensive and effective in meeting the needs of elementary students in physical education.

To find an elementary physical education curriculum from a local school system in Virginia, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the district websites mentioned in the question to find a physical education curriculum. Check if they have a dedicated page for curriculum or physical education programs.

2. Explore the website and look for curriculum resources. This could be listed under "Curriculum," "Academics," or "Programs" sections.

3. If you cannot find the curriculum online, look for contact information on the website. Reach out to the school system's administration or physical education department and request a copy of their elementary physical education curriculum.

4. Once you have access to the curriculum, review it to answer the questions provided. Assess the various aspects of curriculum and planning discussed in the module, such as:

- Content: Does the curriculum cover a wide range of physical education activities and concepts appropriate for Kindergarten students?
- Objectives: Are the learning objectives clearly stated?
- Sequencing: Is there a logical progression of skills and concepts incorporated in the curriculum?
- Resources: Are there any recommended resources, equipment, or materials for instruction?
- Assessment: Does the curriculum provide various types of assessment, such as formal assessments, observation checklists, or self-assessment strategies?
- Teaching approaches: Does the curriculum provide opportunities for both direct teaching (teacher-led instruction) and indirect teaching (independent or group work)?
- Differentiation: Does the curriculum offer strategies or modifications to meet the diverse needs of students?
- Alignment: Is the curriculum aligned with the Virginia SOL's (Standards of Learning) for physical education and the SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators) Standards?

By following these steps and analyzing the curriculum, you will be able to discuss its various aspects in relation to curriculum and planning.

To find an elementary physical education curriculum from a local school system in Virginia, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by visiting the district websites of local school systems in Virginia. Look for a dedicated section or page related to curriculum, academics, or physical education.

2. Explore the district websites and navigate to the relevant section that provides information about the elementary physical education curriculum. Some districts may have a specific section for physical education, while others may include it under the overall curriculum or academics section.

3. Search for the kindergarten curriculum within the physical education section of the district website. Look for any documents, links, or resources related to the curriculum specifically designed for kindergarten students.

4. Examine the curriculum and take note of the various aspects of curriculum and planning discussed in your module. Assess whether the curriculum allows for various types of assessment, including formative and summative assessments. Look for opportunities for direct and indirect teaching methods to cater to different learning styles.

5. Determine if differentiation is provided in the curriculum. This means assessing whether the curriculum takes into account the diverse needs and abilities of students, providing options for modifications or adaptations to accommodate individual differences.

6. Check if the kindergarten physical education curriculum aligns with the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs). The SOLs are the educational standards set by the state of Virginia in various subject areas, including physical education. Ensure that the curriculum matches or supports the required learning outcomes outlined in the SOLs.

7. Also, verify if the curriculum aligns with the SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators) Standards. These standards provide a comprehensive framework for physical education, promoting health-enhancing behaviors and physical literacy among students.

By following these steps, you should be able to find a local school system's kindergarten physical education curriculum, examine its various aspects, and assess its alignment with the Virginia SOLs and SHAPE Standards.