you have the opportunity to get up to 10 EXTRA CREDIT points! In order to achieve this, you MUST write 10 COMPLETE sentences. Each sentence MUST feature at least one of our 30 vocabulary words.

REMEMBER: You can change the word to fit the sentence, as long as you employ accurate morphology to do so. AT LEAST 3 of your sentences MUST be COMPOUND, 3 MUST be COMPLEX, and 3 MUST be COMPOUND-COMPLEX in their structure in order for you to receive ANY points.

1. The research study used careful observation to classify and infer the relationships between different phases of the experiment.

2. The eccentric professor's proposition that kinetic energy can eradicate discrimination was met with skepticism by his colleagues.
3. The student estimated that the withering plants in the garden were a result of indiscriminate watering.
4. The researcher used idioms as a tool to coordinate his speech during the presentation.
5. The awesome performance by the mesmerizing singer left the audience in a state of awe.
6. The radical proposal included a clause that aimed to eradicate discrimination in all its forms.
7. In his research, the scientist observed that the eccentric behavior of the subject may be attributed to a unique phase in their development.
8. The linguistics professor explained the meaning and origin of various idioms in her research paper.
9. The student's estimate of the time needed to complete the experiment proved to be accurate.
10. The turtle used coordination to move in a kinetic manner, defying the withering effects of time.

1. During the research phase of my project, I observed and classified various data to estimate the impact of climate change on the population of endangered species.

2. Discriminating against individuals based on their race or ethnicity is not only morally wrong, but it also goes against fundamental human rights.

3. The idiom "actions speak louder than words" implies that people's actions hold more significance and truth than the words they speak.

4. The eccentric artist captivated audiences with her kinetic sculptures that seemed to come alive and mesmerize viewers.

5. In order to eradicate poverty, we need to coordinate efforts between governments, organizations, and individuals to address its root causes.

6. The proposition that education should be accessible to all is a radical idea that challenges traditional notions of privilege and inequality.

7. The withering of plants during a drought is a clear observation that highlights the importance of water for their survival.

8. Through analysis and inference, the researchers were able to make estimates about the potential impact of a new drug on cancer patients.

9. The compound-complex sentence, "Although he was tired, he finished the marathon and received an awesome medal," highlights the determination and perseverance of the runner.

10. The indiscriminate spraying of pesticides can harm not only the targeted pests but also beneficial insects and the environment as a whole.

To earn 10 EXTRA CREDIT points, you need to write 10 complete sentences, each featuring at least one of the given vocabulary words. Make sure to use accurate morphology if you change a word to fit the sentence. Remember, you must include 3 compound sentences, 3 complex sentences, and 3 compound-complex sentences to earn any points.

1. The first phase of my research involved collecting data from various sources.
2. The eccentric professor entered the classroom wearing mismatched socks and a hat.
3. I observed the bird's kinetic energy as it flew gracefully through the air.
4. Discrimination based on race or gender is unfair and unacceptable.
5. The idiom "break a leg" is commonly used to wish someone good luck in the entertainment industry.
6. By classifying the different species of insects, we can gain a better understanding of their behavior.
7. The withering flowers in the garden needed water to revive them.
8. We can estimate the number of people attending the event by counting the tickets sold.
9. The proposal to build a new library in the community received mixed reactions.
10. The mesmerizing performance by the magician left the audience in awe.

To ensure you meet the requirement for compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences, focus on creating sentences that have multiple clauses. A compound sentence consists of two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction like "and," "but," or "or." A complex sentence consists of an independent clause and a dependent clause joined by a subordinating conjunction like "since," "although," or "because." A compound-complex sentence combines elements of both compound and complex sentences by having at least two independent clauses and one dependent clause.