Lake Profondo has a depth of 84 feet. Lake Segundo is 5/10 as deep. What is the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo?

(Remember, the elevation is below sea level. Account for this in your answer.) (1 point)

Lake Segundo is 5/10 * 84 feet = <<5/10*84=42>>42 feet deep.

Since the elevation is below sea level, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo would be -42 feet.

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing signed numbers to solve:

(- 4)(7/5)(- 3/2) / (7/15)

(1 point)

- 197/15


To solve this expression, we first simplify the numerator:

(-4)(7/5)(-3/2) = (-4 * 7 * -3) / (5 * 2) = 84 / 10 = 42/5

Next, we divide the numerator by the denominator:

(42/5) / (7/15) = (42/5) * (15/7) = (42 * 15) / (5 * 7) = 630/35 = 18

Therefore, (-4)(7/5)(-3/2) / (7/15) = 18.

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing signed numbers to solve:

(- 4)(7/5)(- 3/3) / (7/15)

(1 point)

To solve this expression, we first simplify the numerator:

(-4)(7/5)(-3/3) = (-4 * 7 * -3) / (5 * 3) = 84/15 = 28/5

Next, we divide the numerator by the denominator:

(28/5) / (7/15) = (28/5) * (15/7) = (28 * 15) / (5 * 7) = 420/35 = 12

Therefore, (-4)(7/5)(-3/3) / (7/15) = 12.

What is the best answer out of

- 147 / 75

The best answer out of the given options would be: - 147 / 75.