In 3-5 sentences, summarize how the change of state from ice to water is affected by the relationship between kinetic energy and the forces of attraction (4 points )

The change of state from ice to water is affected by the balance between kinetic energy and the forces of attraction between water molecules. In the solid state (ice), the forces of attraction are stronger than the kinetic energy, resulting in a fixed, structured arrangement. As heat is added and the kinetic energy increases, the forces of attraction weaken, causing the solid to become a liquid (water) as the molecules gain enough energy to overcome the attractive forces and move freely.

The change of state from ice to water is influenced by the relationship between kinetic energy and the forces of attraction. In the solid state, the particles in ice have relatively low kinetic energy, and the forces of attraction between them are strong enough to keep them in a fixed arrangement. As heat is added, the kinetic energy of the particles increases, eventually overcoming the forces of attraction. This causes the particles to break free from their fixed positions and move more freely, resulting in the change of state from solid ice to liquid water.

The change of state from ice to water is influenced by the relationship between kinetic energy and the forces of attraction. At the molecular level, ice consists of water molecules arranged in a rigid lattice structure due to strong intermolecular forces of attraction. As heat is added to the ice, the molecules gain kinetic energy, allowing them to overcome the forces of attraction and move more freely. This increase in molecular motion eventually breaks down the lattice structure, resulting in the change of state from solid ice to liquid water.