(2 points)



which one goes where?

China Japan Taiwan Mongolia

Autocratic: China, Mongolia

Democratic: Japan, Taiwan

Match the country with its type of economy.

Mixed Economy-

Command Economy-

China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan

Mixed Economy: South Korea, Japan

Command Economy: China, North Korea

Which policy might most help North Korea develop economically?

(1 point)

more investment in the military

more investment in the military

more government control

more government control

more investment in citizens

more investment in citizens

more trade sanctions

more investment in citizens

Which significant challenge does Japan face today?

(1 point)

lack of specialization

lack of specialization

unskilled workforce

unskilled workforce

scarcity of natural resources

scarcity of natural resources

too few trade partners

scarcity of natural resources

Which is a source of political conflict between China, Japan, and South Korea today?

(1 point)

trade barriers

trade barriers

nuclear weapons development

nuclear weapons development

land claims in the South China Sea

land claims in the South China Sea

economic sanctions

land claims in the South China Sea

To determine whether each country (China, Japan, Taiwan, Mongolia) is more autocratic or democratic, we need to gather some information about their government systems.

Autocratic governments are characterized by having a single leader or small group of leaders with significant power and authority. These leaders make decisions independently and often do not involve the general public in the decision-making process. Examples of autocratic governments include monarchies, dictatorships, and authoritarian regimes.

On the other hand, democratic governments involve the participation of the general public in decision-making. Power is typically distributed among multiple branches or levels of government, and citizens have the right to vote and express their opinions freely. Examples of democratic governments include republics, parliamentary systems, and constitutional monarchies.

Now let's examine each country to determine whether they are more autocratic or democratic:

1. China: China is ruled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which is generally considered an autocratic regime. The CCP has a centralized structure with significant control over the government, media, and society. While there are some mechanisms for public participation at local levels, the overall decision-making power lies with the Party leadership.

2. Japan: Japan has a parliamentary system with a constitutional monarchy. Although the Emperor of Japan holds a ceremonial role, the country is primarily governed by elected officials. Japan is often considered a democratic country, where citizens have the right to vote and participate in political processes.

3. Taiwan: Taiwan is a democracy with a presidential system. It has a multi-party political system where elections are held regularly, and citizens enjoy a range of political rights and civil liberties. Taiwan is often considered one of the most democratic countries in East Asia.

4. Mongolia: Mongolia is a parliamentary democracy, where political power is distributed among multiple branches of government. Mongolia has a multi-party system with regular elections and a constitution that protects civil liberties and individual rights. Overall, it is considered a democratic country.

Based on this information, we can classify the countries as follows:

Autocratic: China
Democratic: Japan, Taiwan, Mongolia