Read the excerpt from Part 4 of The Odyssey. we saw the funnel of the maelstrom, heard the rock bellowing all around, and dark sand raged on the bottom far below. My men all blanched against the gloom, our eyes were fixed upon that yawning mouth in fear of being devoured. Which statement best explains the metaphor in this excerpt? The whirlpool is compared to a mouth, showing its decreasing strength. The whirlpool is compared to a mouth, showing its menacing threat. The whirlpool is compared to a sandy beach, showing its proximity. The whirlpool is compared to a sandy beach, showing its familiarity.

The best statement that explains the metaphor in this excerpt is: "The whirlpool is compared to a mouth, showing its menacing threat."

The metaphor in this excerpt is that the whirlpool is compared to a mouth, showing its menacing threat.

The metaphor in this excerpt compares the whirlpool to a mouth, showing its menacing threat. To arrive at this conclusion, you should analyze the language used in the text. The passage specifically describes the whirlpool as a "yawning mouth" and mentions the fear of being devoured. This language suggests a sense of danger and imminent harm. Therefore, the whirlpool is being compared to a menacing mouth, emphasizing its threatening nature.