Why is solar energy a viable alternative energy resource?

A. It comes from organic plant materials.

B. It costs almost nothing to harness.

C. It has an endless supply.

D. It produces minimal air pollution.

C. It has an endless supply.

D. It produces minimal air pollution.

Solar energy is a viable alternative energy resource because it is abundant and inexhaustible. The sun provides an infinite supply of energy that can be harnessed through solar panels. Additionally, harnessing solar energy does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or air pollutants, making it a clean and environmentally friendly source of energy.

There is only one correct answer

D. It produces minimal air pollution.

Solar energy is a viable alternative energy resource for several reasons. One reason is that it has an endless supply. This is because the sun is a renewable source of energy, as it will continue to emit light and heat for billions of years. Another reason is that it produces minimal air pollution. Solar energy does not release harmful greenhouse gases or other pollutants into the atmosphere during operation, unlike fossil fuels. Additionally, solar energy is cost-effective once the initial installation costs are covered. While there is an upfront investment, the cost of harnessing solar energy is relatively low in the long run. Finally, it is worth clarifying that solar energy does not come from organic plant materials; it is derived directly from the sun's radiation, making it a purely natural and clean energy source.

The correct answer is option C: It has an endless supply.

Solar energy is considered a viable alternative energy resource for several reasons. Firstly, solar energy comes from the Sun, which is an abundant and constant source of energy. The Sun's energy is estimated to last for billions of years, making solar energy a virtually unlimited resource.

To harness solar energy, we use solar panels or photovoltaic (PV) cells. These devices convert sunlight directly into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. While there may be initial costs associated with installing and maintaining solar panels, in the long run, solar energy is relatively inexpensive to harness. The cost of solar panels has been decreasing over the years, making it more affordable for consumers and businesses.

Another significant advantage of solar energy is its environmental impact. Solar energy produces minimal air pollution compared to fossil fuels like coal or natural gas. Burning fossil fuels releases harmful greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change and air pollution. Solar energy, on the other hand, produces no emissions during the electricity generation process. By relying on solar energy, we can reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the negative impacts on the environment.

In summary, solar energy is a viable alternative energy resource because it has an endless supply, is relatively inexpensive to harness, and produces minimal air pollution.