What physical feature in the northeast isolated early indian civilization from other civilizations

The presence of the Himalayan mountain range in the northeast region of the Indian subcontinent isolated early Indian civilization from other civilizations. These towering mountains acted as a natural barrier, making it difficult for people to cross over or travel through the region. This isolation allowed unique cultures and civilizations to develop independently in the Indian subcontinent and limited the interactions between early Indian civilization and other civilizations of that time.

The physical feature in the northeast that isolated early Indian civilization from other civilizations is the Himalayan mountain range. The Himalayas stretch across the northern boundary of India and act as a natural barrier that separates the Indian subcontinent from the rest of Asia. These mountains are the highest in the world and their formidable nature made it difficult for people to cross over, limiting contact and trade between the people living in the northeast of India and those in other civilizations.

The physical feature in the northeast that isolated early Indian civilization from other civilizations was the Himalayan mountain range. To understand this, you can look at a map of the Indian subcontinent. The Himalayas, which are the highest mountain range in the world, stretch across the northern border of India, separating it from neighboring countries like China, Nepal, and Bhutan.

The rugged terrain and high altitudes of the Himalayas created significant geographical barriers, making it difficult for early Indian civilizations to interact and establish connections with other civilizations. The mountainous region made it challenging for people to traverse, trade, and maintain regular contact with the outside world.

This geographic isolation had a profound impact on the development of early Indian civilization. It allowed for the growth of distinct cultural, social, and religious practices, which contributed to the formation of diverse regional identities within India. Over time, as transportation and communication technologies improved, the Himalayas became less of a barrier, enabling greater interaction between India and neighboring civilizations.