The level of organisation in the phylum Nematoda is

A. cellular level of organisation
B. tissue level of organisation
C. tissue-organ level of organisation
D. organ system level of organisation

C. tissue-organ level of organisation

C. tissue-organ level of organisation

The correct answer is B. tissue level of organisation.

To determine the level of organization in the phylum Nematoda, you need to understand the different levels of organization in living organisms. The levels of organization range from the cellular level to the organ system level.

At the cellular level of organization (option A), organisms are made up of individual cells that perform specific functions. However, in the case of the phylum Nematoda, the cells are organized into tissues, suggesting a higher level of organization than just individual cells.

At the tissue level of organization (option B), cells of similar types come together to form tissues that have specific functions. In the phylum Nematoda, different types of tissues, such as muscle tissue and nerve tissue, can be identified, indicating that they have a tissue level of organization.

At the tissue-organ level of organization (option C), tissues combine to form organs that work together to perform specific functions. This level of organization involves a higher degree of complexity compared to just tissues. Although the phylum Nematoda does have distinct tissues, it does not have well-defined organs, so this option is not correct.

At the organ system level of organization (option D), organs work together in systems to carry out specific functions. This level of organization is seen in more complex organisms like humans, where organs such as the heart, lungs, and stomach work together to form organ systems like the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and digestive system. Since the phylum Nematoda does not have well-defined organs, this option is also incorrect.

Therefore, based on the information provided, the most appropriate answer is B. tissue level of organization, as it accurately describes the level of organization in the phylum Nematoda.