The garden measures 11 feet on each side. how much fencing material does she need

To find out how much fencing material she needs, you can calculate the perimeter of the garden by multiplying the length of one side by 4 (since all sides are equal in length).

Perimeter = 11 ft × 4 = 44 ft

Therefore, she needs 44 feet of fencing material.

A rectangle is 11 inches long and 8 inches wide. Find its area.

To find the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the width.

Area = length × width

Area = 11 inches × 8 inches

Area = 88 square inches

Therefore, the area of the rectangle is 88 square inches.

The diameter of a circle is 12 millimeters. What is its radius?

The radius of a circle is half of its diameter. So, to find the radius of a circle with a diameter of 12 millimeters, you divide the diameter by 2.

Radius = Diameter / 2

Radius = 12 millimeters / 2

Radius = 6 millimeters

Therefore, the radius of the circle is 6 millimeters.

3/4 gallon of monkey chow. She uses 2/4 gallon how much monkey chow does she have left? Simplify the answer if possible

To find how much monkey chow she has left, you subtract the amount she used from the total amount she had.

Total monkey chow - Used monkey chow = Remaining monkey chow

3/4 gallon - 2/4 gallon = 1/4 gallon

Therefore, she has 1/4 gallon of monkey chow left.