A filled gas tank contains 17.7 gal

of fuel. If a car uses 50.0 L
, how many gallons of fuel remain in the tank?

To convert 50.0 L to gallons, we can use the conversion factor: 1 L = 0.26417205235815 gallons.

So, 50.0 L is equal to 50.0 x 0.26417205235815 = 13.208 grams.

If the tank contained 17.7 gallons initially and the car used 13.208 gallons, we can subtract the used fuel from the initial amount to find the remaining fuel:

17.7 gallons - 13.208 gallons = 4.492 gallons.

Therefore, there are 4.492 gallons of fuel remaining in the tank.

To convert liters to gallons, we need to know the conversion factor. The conversion factor is 1 L = 0.264172 gal.

First, we need to convert 50.0 L to gallons:
50.0 L × 0.264172 gal/L = 13.2086 gallons

Next, we subtract the amount of fuel used from the initial amount of fuel in the tank:
17.7 gallons - 13.2086 gallons = 4.4914 gallons

Therefore, there are approximately 4.4914 gallons of fuel remaining in the tank.

To find out how many gallons of fuel remain in the tank, we need to convert liters to gallons.

1 liter is approximately equal to 0.2642 gallons.

So, first, we need to convert 50.0 L to gallons:
50.0 L * 0.2642 gallons/L = 13.21 gallons

Now, we can find out how many gallons of fuel remain in the tank:
17.7 gallons (initially filled) - 13.21 gallons (used) = 4.49 gallons

Therefore, approximately 4.49 gallons of fuel remain in the tank.