A certain fully charged electric car can run for 5.7 hours at 70 miles per hour. What is the maximum distance the fully charged electric car can travel at 70 miles per hour?(1 point)


350 miles
350 miles

39.9 miles
39.9 miles

3,960 miles
3,960 miles

399 miles
399 miles

The maximum distance the fully charged electric car can travel at 70 miles per hour is 399 miles.

To find the maximum distance the fully charged electric car can travel at 70 miles per hour, we can multiply the time by the speed.

Distance = Time x Speed

Distance = 5.7 hours x 70 miles per hour
Distance = 399 miles

Therefore, the maximum distance the fully charged electric car can travel at 70 miles per hour is 399 miles.

To find the maximum distance the fully charged electric car can travel at 70 miles per hour, we need to multiply the time and the speed.

In this case, the car can run for 5.7 hours at a speed of 70 miles per hour. So, the distance it can travel is:

Distance = Time * Speed
Distance = 5.7 hours * 70 miles per hour

Calculating this, we get:

Distance = 399 miles

Therefore, the maximum distance the fully charged electric car can travel at 70 miles per hour is 399 miles.