How does the mass of a falling object impact the object's kinetic energy?

An increase in mass causes an increase in kinetic energy.
An increase in mass causes an increase in kinetic energy.

An increase in mass causes a decrease in kinetic energy.
An increase in mass causes a decrease in kinetic energy.

Mass does not impact kinetic energy.
Mass does not impact kinetic energy.

A decrease in mass causes an increase in kinetic energy.

An increase in mass causes an increase in kinetic energy. This is because kinetic energy is directly proportional to mass, according to the equation: KE = (1/2)mv^2, where KE is kinetic energy, m is mass, and v is velocity. Therefore, as mass increases, kinetic energy also increases.

An increase in mass causes an increase in kinetic energy.

The correct answer is "An increase in mass causes an increase in kinetic energy."

To understand why this is the case, we need to consider the equation for kinetic energy. Kinetic energy (KE) is calculated using the formula KE = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2.

The equation shows that KE is directly proportional to both mass and velocity squared. This means that as the mass of the object increases, the kinetic energy will also increase. This is because the object will have more mass, which requires more energy to move at the same velocity.

For example, let's consider two objects with the same velocity but different masses. If one object has a higher mass than the other, then it will have a higher kinetic energy because it takes more energy to move the larger mass at the same velocity.

It's important to note that while mass does impact kinetic energy, it is only one of the factors involved. Velocity also plays a significant role, as the squared term in the equation shows. So, if both mass and velocity increase, the kinetic energy will increase even more.