Maximum movies = Income / Price of a movie

Maximum movies = P500 / P10
Maximum movies = 50 movies

Let's assume Khumo spends all her income on bottles of wine. The maximum number of bottles of wine she can buy is given by:

Maximum bottles of wine = Income / Price of a bottle of wine
Maximum bottles of wine = P500 / P10
Maximum bottles of wine = 50 bottles of wine

How do I plot this information on a graph.which graph should I use

To plot this information on a graph, you can use a bar graph or a scatter plot.

For a bar graph:
- On the x-axis, represent the different items (movies, bottles of wine).
- On the y-axis, represent the quantity or number of items.
- Each item (movies, bottles of wine) will have a corresponding bar representing the maximum quantity that can be bought.
- Label the x-axis as "Movies" and the y-axis as "Number of movies/bottles of wine".

For a scatter plot:
- On the x-axis, represent the income.
- On the y-axis, represent the maximum quantity of items that can be bought (movies, bottles of wine).
- Plot the points for different income values and connect them to observe the relationship between income and the maximum quantity of items.
- Label the x-axis as "Income (P)" and the y-axis as "Number of movies/bottles of wine".

Both graph types can effectively represent the relationship between income and the maximum number of movies or bottles of wine that can be bought. The choice between the two will depend on your preference and the specific purpose of your presentation or analysis.

To plot this information on a graph, you can use a basic line graph or a bar graph.

For a line graph, you can plot the number of movies or bottles of wine on the y-axis and the income on the x-axis. Each data point will be represented by a point on the graph connected with a line.

For a bar graph, you can plot the number of movies or bottles of wine on the x-axis and the income on the y-axis. Each data point will be represented by a bar of corresponding height.

Both graphs will help visualize the relationship between income and the maximum number of movies or bottles of wine that can be purchased.

Here's an example of the line graph:

Income (P)
50 | . .
| .
40 | .
| .
30 | .
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Number of Movies

And here's an example of the bar graph:

Number of Movies
50 | | |
| | |
40 | | |
| | |
30 | | |
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Income (P)

To plot the information on a graph, you can use a bar graph or a scatter plot.

For a bar graph:
1. Draw a vertical axis labeled "Maximum bottles of wine" and a horizontal axis labeled "Income".
2. Mark the income values on the horizontal axis, starting from zero. For example, you can mark income values from 0 to 500, with intervals of 100.
3. Mark the maximum bottles of wine values on the vertical axis, starting from zero. For instance, you can mark values from 0 to 50, with intervals of 10.
4. Plot a bar for each income value, with the height of the bar representing the corresponding maximum number of bottles of wine.

For a scatter plot:
1. Draw a vertical axis labeled "Maximum bottles of wine" and a horizontal axis labeled "Income".
2. Mark the income values on the horizontal axis, starting from zero, as mentioned earlier.
3. Mark the maximum bottles of wine values on the vertical axis, as mentioned earlier.
4. Plot a point for each income value and its corresponding maximum number of bottles of wine.

Both types of graphs can effectively show the relationship between income and the maximum number of bottles of wine that can be purchased.

Note: The information you provided in your question assumes a constant price per bottle of wine. If the price of a bottle of wine varies, the relationship between income and maximum bottles of wine may change, and the graph would need to be adjusted accordingly.