What strategy do you use to help you look back at the text?

A. Visualizing
B. Inferring
C. Rereading
D. Analyzing

C. Rereading

The strategy to help look back at the text is C) Rereading. This involves going back to relevant parts of the text and reading them again to gain a better understanding or to find specific information.

To answer the question of what strategy to use to help you look back at the text, it's important to understand the different strategies available. In this case, the options are:

A. Visualizing: This strategy involves creating mental images or visual representations while reading. It can help with comprehension and memory recall, but it may not be specifically focused on looking back at the text.

B. Inferring: This strategy involves using prior knowledge and textual cues to make logical inferences and to draw conclusions. It can be helpful for understanding the text as a whole, but it may not be directly related to looking back at specific parts of the text.

C. Rereading: This strategy involves going back and reading again, either a whole passage or specific sections, to gain a better understanding or to find particular information. Rereading is an effective way to look back at the text and ensure comprehension.

D. Analyzing: This strategy involves breaking down the text and examining its elements, such as plot, characters, themes, and literary devices. While analyzing can enhance understanding and interpretation, it may not be primarily focused on looking back at the text.

Out of these options, the most suitable strategy to help you look back at the text would be C. Rereading. By going back and reading again, you can carefully review the information and details to ensure comprehension and find specific answers to questions.