Which of the following would be best completed through telephone interviews?

A. Exit poll of voters at a specific polling place
B. survey of types of fruit purchased at a local farmer's market
C. opinion poll of topics discussed at a city council meeting
D. Statewide study of satisfaction with cable providers

B. survey of types of fruit purchased at a local farmer's market

What about d

D. Statewide study of satisfaction with cable providers

Telephone interviews would be a suitable method for conducting a statewide study of satisfaction with cable providers. This type of study involves gathering opinions and feedback from a large number of participants across the state, which can be efficiently done through telephone interviews. It allows researchers to directly ask participants about their satisfaction levels and gather detailed information about their experiences with cable providers.

The best option among the given choices that would be best completed through telephone interviews is D. Statewide study of satisfaction with cable providers.

Telephone interviews are commonly used for conducting surveys and gathering information over a large area. In this case, a statewide study of satisfaction with cable providers requires a wide reach to gather opinions from a diverse and geographically dispersed population. Conducting this study through telephone interviews would allow for a more efficient and comprehensive data collection process, as it allows for a larger sample size and provides the opportunity to ask follow-up questions to clarify responses.

When determining which method of data collection is best for a specific task, it's important to consider the nature of the information being collected, the target audience, and the logistics involved. In this case, let's analyze each option:

A. Exit poll of voters at a specific polling place: This task generally requires gathering real-time feedback from voters immediately after they cast their votes. Conducting telephone interviews may not be the most effective method here, as it would be difficult to reach voters who have just left the polling place. Instead, in-person interviews or surveying at the polling place would be more suitable.

B. Survey of types of fruit purchased at a local farmer's market: This task involves collecting information about fruit purchases from people who visit a local farmer's market. While telephone interviews are feasible for this purpose, they might not be ideal since collecting specific details about the types of fruit purchased might be challenging over the phone. Using methods like in-person surveys or online questionnaires may be more effective.

C. Opinion poll of topics discussed at a city council meeting: Telephone interviews can be a suitable option for a city council meeting opinion poll. The convenience of conducting interviews over the phone can allow for efficient data collection, reaching a larger pool of participants, and obtaining insights into people's views on various topics discussed.

D. Statewide study of satisfaction with cable providers: Conducting telephone interviews can be an effective method for a statewide study of satisfaction with cable providers. By using random-digit dialing or targeted phone lists, a representative sample of the population can be reached, allowing for comprehensive data collection on satisfaction levels.

In conclusion, based on the options provided, the best choice for completion through telephone interviews would be:

D. Statewide study of satisfaction with cable providers.