which of the following is an advantage of using an internal job resource

it is less expensive than an external job resource
there are always qualified internal candidates
there is always a diverse pool of candidates
it is a good way out into the community

The advantage of using an internal job resource is that there are always qualified internal candidates.

Among the options provided, the advantage of using an internal job resource is that there are always qualified internal candidates.

The advantage of using an internal job resource is that there are always qualified internal candidates available. To determine this, you can compare the qualifications and availability of internal candidates to external candidates.

In the case of internal candidates, you can review the employees already working within the company. Look for individuals whose skills, experience, and qualifications align with the requirements of the job opening. This can be done by assessing their performance reviews, past projects, and feedback from supervisors or colleagues.

On the other hand, when considering external candidates, you would need to go through the entire recruitment process, including advertising the job, reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and assessing qualifications. This process tends to be more time-consuming and can incur additional costs, such as advertising expenses and recruitment agency fees.

In summary, the advantage of utilizing an internal job resource is that there are readily available and qualified candidates within the company, making the hiring process more efficient and potentially less expensive compared to hiring externally.