A free bird leaps

on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wing
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

–“Caged Bird,”
Maya Angelou

Read the stanza. What is the figurative meaning of the phrase “floats downstream”?

The figurative meaning of the phrase "floats downstream" in this stanza is that the bird is freely following the natural course of life, going with the flow and not being confined or restrained. This can be seen as a metaphor for embracing freedom and breaking free from limitations.

The figurative meaning of the phrase "floats downstream" in the stanza is that the bird is moving effortlessly and without resistance, symbolizing freedom and liberation.

To understand the figurative meaning of the phrase "floats downstream" in the stanza of the poem "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou, we need to look at the context and the overall theme of the poem.

In this stanza, Maya Angelou uses vivid imagery to describe a free bird. The phrase "floats downstream" is a metaphor that implies a sense of freedom and effortless movement. It suggests that the bird is able to go with the flow, being carried by the wind and the current. In a literal sense, "floats downstream" would mean moving in a river or stream in a relaxed, easy manner.

However, in the poem's context, the free bird symbolizes freedom, while the caged bird represents someone who is oppressed or restricted in some way. The figurative meaning of "floats downstream" is that the free bird is able to move through life with ease, without obstacles or restrictions. It conveys the sense of liberation and the ability to navigate through life with freedom and joy.

By understanding the symbolism and metaphorical nature of the poem, we can interpret the figurative meaning of the phrase "floats downstream" in this stanza.