When writing a concluding statement for an essay, which question should a writer ask themselves?

A. How can I avoid tying the concluding statement to the essay’s introduction?

B. Is there an overall theme or message in the essay that needs to be conveyed about the main points?

C. Did I include a detailed summary of what was covered in the essay?

D. Did I refrain from challenging the reader to take a certain action?

B. Is there an overall theme or message in the essay that needs to be conveyed about the main points?

B. Is there an overall theme or message in the essay that needs to be conveyed about the main points?

When writing a concluding statement for an essay, the question that a writer should ask themselves is: B. Is there an overall theme or message in the essay that needs to be conveyed about the main points?

To arrive at this answer, one can understand that a concluding statement serves the purpose of summarizing the main points and providing closure to the essay. Asking oneself if there is an overall theme or message in the essay allows the writer to reflect on the central argument or point they have made throughout the essay. This ensures that the concluding statement effectively captures the essence of the essay and ties together all the key ideas and arguments presented. The conclusion should leave the reader with a clear understanding of the main takeaways from the essay and leave a lasting impression. By asking this question, the writer can ensure that the concluding statement adds value to the essay by reinforcing its central theme or message.