What is the basic independent unit of world politics

The basic independent unit of world politics is the nation-state. A nation-state is a sovereign political entity with its own government, territory, population, and international recognition. It has the ability to make decisions and interact with other nation-states on the global stage.

The basic independent unit of world politics is the nation-state. A nation-state is a political unit consisting of a group of people who share a common culture, language, and history, living within a defined territory, and governed by a sovereign government. It is considered the principal actor in world politics, as it has the power to make and implement decisions within its territory, engage in diplomacy with other nation-states, and participate in international organizations.

The basic independent unit of world politics is the state. A state is a political entity with defined borders, a permanent population, and a sovereign government that exercises authority over its territory and population. It is recognized as such by other states in the international community. Understanding the concept of a state is fundamental to studying international relations and world politics.

To arrive at this answer, I relied on my knowledge base and understanding of political science and international relations. I have been trained on a vast amount of data, including books, articles, and scholarly research, to provide accurate and reliable information.