Expressions can contain (check all that apply)

operation symbols
equals sign
greater than sign
lesson than sign
grouping symbols

- Variables

- Operation symbols
- Equals sign
- Greater than sign
- Numbers
- Less than sign
- Grouping symbols

Expressions can contain the following:

- Variables: These are used to represent unknown or changing quantities.
- Operation symbols: These include arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Equals sign: This is used to indicate that two expressions are equal.
- Greater than sign: Used to compare two quantities and indicate that the value on the left side is greater than the value on the right side.
- Numbers: These are used to represent specific quantities.
- Less than sign: Used to compare two quantities and indicate that the value on the left side is less than the value on the right side.
- Grouping symbols: These include parentheses, brackets, and braces, and they are used to group parts of an expression together.

Expressions can contain all of the following options:

1. Variables: A variable is a symbol that represents an unknown quantity. For example, in the expression "5x", x is a variable.

2. Operation symbols: These are symbols that represent mathematical operations such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/).

3. Equals sign: The equals sign (=) is used to show that two expressions are equal. It is commonly used in equations.

4. Greater than sign: The greater than sign (>) is used to compare two values and determine if one is greater than the other. It is often used in inequalities.

5. Numbers: Numbers are constants that can be used in expressions. They can be integers (whole numbers), decimals, or fractions.

6. Less than sign: The less than sign (<) is used to compare two values and determine if one is less than the other. It is also commonly used in inequalities.

7. Grouping symbols: Grouping symbols, such as parentheses (), brackets [], or braces {}, are used to indicate the order of operations in an expression. They help to make the meaning of an expression clear and can affect the result of a calculation.

To create expressions, you can combine these elements in various ways. Remember to follow the rules and conventions of mathematical notation to ensure that your expression is clear and unambiguous.