Which scientist believed in the Theory of Acquired Characteristics?

Which scientist believed in the Theory of Acquired Characteristics?

Gregor Mendel

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

Charles Darwin

Bill Nye

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck believed in the Theory of Acquired Characteristics.

The scientist who believed in the Theory of Acquired Characteristics is Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. To find this answer, you can use various methods:

1. Internet search: By searching for "scientist who believed in the Theory of Acquired Characteristics," you will likely come across numerous sources and references that will mention Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.

2. Reference books: Consulting scientific reference books or encyclopedias will provide you with information about Lamarck and his beliefs.

3. Biology textbooks: Lamarck's theory is often taught in biology classes, so referring to a biology textbook or educational resources on evolutionary theories can provide the answer.

Remember, verifying information from multiple reliable sources is always a good approach to ensure accuracy.