In which situation is it appropriate to write using informal language?(1 point)


a postcard to a friend
a postcard to a friend

a legal document to present in court
a legal document to present in court

a cover letter for a job application
a cover letter for a job application

a scientific research article
a scientific research article

a postcard to a friend

In the situation of writing a postcard to a friend, it is appropriate to use informal language.

The situation in which it is appropriate to write using informal language is a postcard to a friend. To determine the appropriate language to use in different situations, it's important to consider the context and purpose of your writing. In this case, a postcard to a friend is a personal communication where you can use less formal language, as you are writing to someone you have a close relationship with. However, for other situations like a legal document to present in court, a cover letter for a job application, or a scientific research article, it is more appropriate to use formal language which demonstrates professionalism and clarity.