a hiring is uncomfortable hiring a highly qualified cantidate because she is over 45 years old. which of the following would be an appropriate response form the HR department

its appropriate to eliminate older employees from consideration
how old do you think a person in this position should be
it is illegal to discriminate against a potential employee on the basis of age
age is an important factor to consider when making a hire

it is illegal to discriminate against a potential employee on the basis of age.

The appropriate response from the HR department would be: "It is illegal to discriminate against a potential employee on the basis of age." Discriminating against a candidate based on their age is against the law and goes against equal employment opportunity principles.

The appropriate response from the HR department in this situation would be: "It is illegal to discriminate against a potential employee on the basis of age."

Explanation: Age discrimination is prohibited by law in many countries, including the United States under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). The HR department should be well-versed in employment laws and regulations, including those related to discrimination. It is important for HR professionals to ensure that all hiring decisions are made based on the candidate's qualifications and abilities, rather than their age.