Which change will correct the sentence

change All to Some
change All to Some

change uses to use
change uses to use

Change everybody to anybody
Change everybody to anybody

Change picks to pick
Change picks to pick

Some people use social media as a way to connect with others.

Some people use social media as a way to connect with others.

Anybody can participate in the activity.
Anybody can participate in the activity.

I pick the red shirt.
I pick the red shirt.

Which sentence contains a plural collective noun

The audience was ready for the game to begin
The audience was ready for the game to begin

The choir was going to sing the national anthem
The choir was going to sing the national anthem

The team was scheduled to play on Sunday
The team was scheduled to play on Sunday

The visiting teams were putting on their uniforms
The visiting teams were putting on their uniforms

The visiting teams were putting on their uniforms.

Which sentence displays subject-verb agreement

The herd remain in the barn
The herd remain in the barn

The herd have calves in the spring
The herd have calves in the spring

The herd are milked each morning
The herd are milked each morning

The herd is in the north pasture
The herd is in the north pasture

The herd is in the north pasture.

The correct sentence after the changes would be:

"Some use anybody to pick."

To correct the sentence, you can make the following changes:

1. Change "All" to "Some":
This change means that instead of referring to every item, person, or thing, we are now referring to only a portion or a few of them. For example, if the original sentence was "All students are required to wear uniforms," the corrected sentence will be "Some students are required to wear uniforms."

2. Change "uses" to "use":
This change is a grammatical correction in subject-verb agreement. The verb "use" should be in its base form when the subject is in the third person singular form, such as "he," "she," or "it." For example, if the original sentence was "John uses his phone to take pictures," the corrected sentence will be "John use his phone to take pictures."

3. Change "everybody" to "anybody":
This change is a modification of the pronoun used to refer to a group of people. "Everybody" refers to each person in a group, whereas "anybody" implies that it could be any individual within the group. For example, if the original sentence was "Everybody should submit their assignments," the corrected sentence will be "Anybody should submit their assignments."

4. Change "picks" to "pick":
This change is another grammatical correction in subject-verb agreement. The verb "pick" should be in its base form when the subject is in the third person singular form. For example, if the original sentence was "She picks flowers from the garden," the corrected sentence will be "She pick flowers from the garden."