What must be added to the sum of 52678,19395and 86430 to make 160000

To find out what must be added to the sum of 52678, 19395, and 86430 to make 160000, we can follow these steps:

1. Find the sum of the given numbers: 52678 + 19395 + 86430 = 158503.
2. Subtract the sum from the desired total: 160000 - 158503 = 1497.

Therefore, 1497 must be added to the sum of 52678, 19395, and 86430 to make 160000.

To find the missing value needed to make the sum of 52678, 19395, and 86430 equal to 160000, you need to subtract the sum of the three numbers from 160000.

Let's calculate:

52678 + 19395 + 86430 = 158503

160000 - 158503 = 1497

So, you need to add 1497 to the sum of 52678, 19395, and 86430 to make it equal to 160000.

To find out what must be added to the sum of 52,678, 19,395, and 86,430 to make 160,000, you need to first calculate the sum of these three numbers and then subtract it from 160,000.

So, let's add 52,678, 19,395, and 86,430:
52,678 + 19,395 + 86,430 = 158,503

Now, subtract the sum from 160,000:
160,000 - 158,503 = 1,497

Therefore, you need to add 1,497 to the sum of 52,678, 19,395, and 86,430 to make it equal to 160,000.