Where on the periodic table do you find elements that have full valence electron shells?(1 point)Responseson the right side of the periodic tableon the right side of the periodic tableacross the bottom of the periodic tableacross the bottom of the periodic tableon the left side of the periodic tableon the left side of the periodic tableacross the top of the periodic table

on the right side of the periodic table

Elements that have full valence electron shells are found on the right side of the periodic table.

Elements with full valence electron shells can be found on the right side of the periodic table, as well as across the bottom of the periodic table. These elements have achieved a stable electron configuration by either gaining or losing electrons to fill their outermost energy level, resulting in a full valence shell. The elements on the left side of the periodic table tend to have fewer electrons in their outermost energy level, while the elements across the top of the periodic table generally have incompletely filled valence shells. Therefore, the correct answer is "on the right side of the periodic table and across the bottom of the periodic table".