Which incorrect aspect of Rutherford’s model was fixed by Bohr’s model?(1 point)ResponsesPositively charged nuclei repel positively charged alpha particles.Positively charged nuclei repel positively charged alpha particles.The nucleus contains most of the mass of an atom.The nucleus contains most of the mass of an atom.Electrons move freely in curved paths around the nucleus.Electrons move freely in curved paths around the nucleus.Atoms have small, dense, positively charged nuclei.

Electrons move freely in curved paths around the nucleus.

The incorrect aspect of Rutherford's model that was fixed by Bohr's model is that electrons move freely in curved paths around the nucleus. Bohr's model introduced the concept of quantized energy levels and suggested that electrons orbit the nucleus in specific, discrete energy levels or shells.

The incorrect aspect of Rutherford's model that was fixed by Bohr's model was "Electrons move freely in curved paths around the nucleus." In Rutherford's model, he proposed that electrons move in orbits around the nucleus similar to planets orbiting the sun. However, this model couldn't explain why the electrons didn't emit radiation as they accelerated in their orbits, which would cause them to lose energy and eventually collapse into the nucleus. Bohr's model introduced the concept of quantized energy levels, stating that electrons can only occupy specific, discrete orbits with fixed energies. This addressed the problem of radiation, as electrons in Bohr's model don't emit energy as they maintain a stable orbit at a specific energy level.