What are stupas?

(1 point)

Buddhist monasteries and shrines

Buddhist monasteries and shrines

Buddhist commemorative burial mounds

Buddhist commemorative burial mounds

war memorials

war memorials

Asoka's principles for moral law

Buddhist commemorative burial mounds


How did Asoka’s rule lead to a prosperous India?

(1 point)

He conquered nearby Greek-controlled kingdoms and absorbed their wealth.

He conquered nearby Greek-controlled kingdoms and absorbed their wealth.

He developed an effective tax system.

He developed an effective tax system.

He built excellent roads that promoted trade.

He built excellent roads that promoted trade.

He encouraged tolerance.

He built excellent roads that promoted trade.

What did Asoka do after the war with Kalinga?

(1 point)

He invaded and conquered Magadha.

He invaded and conquered Magadha.

He began following Buddhist values.

He began following Buddhist values.

He joined a monastery.

He joined a monastery.

He set up a spy network.

He began following Buddhist values.

Stupas are Buddhist commemorative burial mounds.

Stupas are Buddhist commemorative burial mounds. They are considered sacred structures in Buddhism and are commonly found in Buddhist countries. Stupas serve as a symbol of enlightenment and contain relics or items of religious significance. They are seen as a spiritual center for devotees and are often visited for meditation and worship.

If you wanted to find out what stupas are, you could start by conducting an internet search using a search engine like Google. By typing in "What are stupas?" you would receive various results that explain and describe stupas in more detail. You can then read through the information provided to gain a better understanding of the topic.

Additionally, you could also consult various reliable sources such as books or academic articles on Buddhism and architectural history. These sources can provide you with more in-depth information about stupas, their history, and their cultural significance.