During which phase of the Moon does it reflect the most light to Earth?

new moon

waxing moon

waning moon

full moon


full moon

D. full moon

The phase of the Moon during which it reflects the most light to Earth is the full moon. To understand why, we can first consider how the phases of the Moon occur. The Moon orbits around the Earth, and as it does so, we see different portions of its illuminated surface from Earth. The amount of the Moon's illuminated surface that we can see changes, giving rise to the different phases.

During a full moon, the Moon appears as a complete circle because it is positioned on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. The Sun's light shines directly onto the side of the Moon facing us, making it fully illuminated. This means that the entire lit side of the Moon is visible from Earth, reflecting the maximum amount of light back to us.

To recap, the full moon is the phase when the Moon is fully illuminated by the Sun and appears as a complete circle when viewed from Earth, making it reflect the most light to our planet. Therefore, the answer to your question is option D: full moon.