Solve the quadratic equation by completing the square.


The first step in solving this equation by completing the square is to write the equation in the form of a perfect square trinomial.

Starting from the equation:

3x^2 - 5x - 4 = 0

You then isolate the x-terms on one side of the equation:

3x^2 - 5x = 4

Then, divide all terms by '3' to ensure that the coefficient (number associated with) of x^2 equals 1:

x^2 - (5/3)x = 4/3

Next, you can take half of the coefficient of x (which is -5/3), square it, and then add and subtract that number, on the left side of the equation (because the right side is considered as 0, so 4/3 - 4/3 = 0):

x^2 - (5/3)x + (5/6)^2 = 4/3 + (5/6)^2

It simplifies into:

(x - 5/6)^2 = 4/3 + 25/36

Perform the addition on the right side of the equation:

(x - 5/6)^2 = 77/36

The final step is to take the square root of both sides

x - 5/6 = √(77/36)

To get x alone, you then add 5/6 to both sides of the equation:

x = √(77/36) + 5/6

So the solutions of the quadratic equation are
x = √(77/36) + 5/6 and x = -√(77/36) + 5/6:

x = √(77/36) + 5/6 ≈ 1.89

x = -√(77/36) + 5/6 ≈ -0.22.

Step 1: Make sure the quadratic equation is in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0. In this case, the equation is already in this form.

3x^2 - 5x - 4 = 0

Step 2: Divide all terms by the coefficient of x^2 if it is not already 1 to simplify the equation. In this case, the coefficient of x^2 is already 3, so no division is needed.

Step 3: Move the constant term (c) to the right side of the equation.

3x^2 - 5x = 4

Step 4: Add the square of half of the coefficient of x to both sides of the equation. The coefficient of x is -5, so half of it is -5/2. The square of -5/2 is 25/4.

3x^2 - 5x + 25/4 = 4 + 25/4

Simplifying the right side:

4 + 25/4 = 16/4 + 25/4 = 41/4

The equation becomes:

3x^2 - 5x + 25/4 = 41/4

Step 5: Rewrite the left side as a perfect square trinomial.

3(x^2 - (5/3)x) + 25/4 = 41/4

To complete the square, take half of the coefficient of x (-5/3), square it, and add it to both sides of the equation.

3(x^2 - (5/3)x + (-5/6)^2) + 25/4 = 41/4 + 25/4

Simplifying the right side:

41/4 + 25/4 = 66/4 = 33/2

The equation becomes:

3(x - 5/6)^2 + 25/4 = 33/2

Step 6: Move the constant term (25/4) to the right side of the equation.

3(x - 5/6)^2 = 33/2 - 25/4

Simplifying the right side:

33/2 - 25/4 = 66/4 - 25/4 = 41/4

The equation becomes:

3(x - 5/6)^2 = 41/4

Step 7: Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate the perfect square expression.

(x - 5/6)^2 = 41/4 / 3

Simplifying the right side:

41/4 / 3 = 41/4 * 1/3 = 41/12

The equation becomes:

(x - 5/6)^2 = 41/12

Step 8: Take the square root of both sides of the equation.

√((x - 5/6)^2) = ±√(41/12)

Simplifying the left side:

√((x - 5/6)^2) = |x - 5/6|

Simplifying the right side:

±√(41/12) = ±(√41) / (√12)

Step 9: Solve for x by adding 5/6 to both sides of the equation.

x - 5/6 = ±(√41) / (√12)

To isolate x, add 5/6 to both sides:

x = 5/6 ± (√41) / (√12)

This is the solution to the quadratic equation by completing the square.

To solve the given quadratic equation by completing the square, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set the equation equal to zero.
3x^2 - 5x - 4 = 0

Step 2: Divide the entire equation by the coefficient of x^2 to make the coefficient 1.
(3x^2 - 5x - 4)/3 = 0

Step 3: Move the constant term to the other side of the equation.
3x^2 - 5x = 4

Step 4: Move the x term to the other side by dividing the coefficient by 2 and squaring it.
3x^2 - 5x + (5/6)^2 = 4 + (5/6)^2

Step 5: Simplify the equation.
3x^2 - 5x + 25/36 = 144/36 + 25/36

Step 6: Combine the fractions on the right side.
3x^2 - 5x + 25/36 = 169/36

Step 7: Rewrite the left side as a binomial squared.
(x - 5/6)^2 = 169/36

Step 8: Take the square root of both sides.
sqrt((x - 5/6)^2) = ±sqrt(169/36)

Step 9: Simplify the equation.
x - 5/6 = ±13/6

Step 10: Solve for x.
x = 5/6 ± 13/6

So the solutions to the quadratic equation 3x^2 - 5x - 4 = 0 are x = (5 + 13)/6 and x = (5 - 13)/6, which can be further simplified as x = 3 and x = -2/3.