According to the passage, "Fight or Flight- The Evolution of Stress," which sentence BEST shows the way a person's automatic body functions take over in the event of an emergency?

"At the sight of the tiger, your hypothalamus sends a message to your adrenal glands and within seconds, you can run faster, hit harder, see better, hear more acutely, think faster, and jump higher than you could only seconds earlier."
"Consequently, you narrowly escape death by leaping higher and running faster than you ever could before."
" Despite the huge amount of technological change in the ensuing 25,000 years, you are walking around with essentially the same set of internal body parts as that of the caveman."
"You can almost feel your blood pressure soar as you take the long walk down the hall to your boss's office. "

A. "At the sight of the tiger, your hypothalamus sends a message to your adrenal glands and within seconds, you can run faster, hit harder, see better, hear more acutely, think faster, and jump higher than you could only seconds earlier."

The sentence that BEST shows the way a person's automatic body functions take over in the event of an emergency is A. "At the sight of the tiger, your hypothalamus sends a message to your adrenal glands and within seconds, you can run faster, hit harder, see better, hear more acutely, think faster, and jump higher than you could only seconds earlier." This sentence describes the quick and automatic response of the body in an emergency situation.

The sentence that BEST shows the way a person's automatic body functions take over in the event of an emergency is option A: "At the sight of the tiger, your hypothalamus sends a message to your adrenal glands and within seconds, you can run faster, hit harder, see better, hear more acutely, think faster, and jump higher than you could only seconds earlier."

To determine the correct answer, we first need to understand the concept of fight or flight response. According to the passage, fight or flight response is an automatic bodily reaction to a perceived threat or emergency situation. It involves various physiological changes that prepare the body to either confront the threat or escape from it.

In option A, the sentence describes how the body's automatic functions kick in during an emergency. It mentions the hypothalamus, a part of the brain responsible for triggering the fight or flight response. It explains that upon seeing the tiger, the hypothalamus sends a message to the adrenal glands, which release hormones like adrenaline. As a result, the person experiences increased physical abilities such as running faster, hitting harder, seeing better, hearing more acutely, thinking faster, and jumping higher.

Therefore, option A is the best choice as it directly explains how a person's automatic body functions take over in an emergency.