The Assyrians rulers divided the empire and the 70 smaller units of government called provinces. They assigned a governor to each province to report directly to the assyrian ruler. What was the goal of this technique?

The goal of this technique was to maintain control and order throughout the empire. By dividing the empire into provinces and assigning a governor to each one, the Assyrian rulers could ensure that each region was properly managed and any issues were reported back to them. This also allowed them to decentralize power and prevent any single region or individual from gaining too much influence.

The goal of dividing the Assyrian empire into provinces and assigning governors to each province was to establish a centralized system of governance and maintain control over the vast territory. By appointing governors who reported directly to the Assyrian ruler, the empire could effectively administer and regulate the provinces, ensuring loyalty, stability, and efficient communication throughout the empire. This technique allowed the rulers to exercise their authority more effectively, maintain control over the territories, and extract resources and tribute from the provinces.

The goal of dividing the Assyrian empire into provinces and appointing governors to each province was to establish efficient and effective rule over the vast territories under the control of the Assyrian rulers. This technique had several objectives:

1. Centralized Control: By dividing the empire into smaller units, the Assyrians aimed to establish a centralized system of governance. This allowed the ruler to maintain direct authority over the entire empire through the appointed governors.

2. Administrative Ease: Dividing the empire into provinces helped streamline administrative processes. Each governor was responsible for the governance, taxation, and enforcement of law and order within their designated province. This decentralized administration helped in the efficient management of resources and ensured effective communication between the local administration and the central authority.

3. Local Governance: The appointment of governors to each province allowed the Assyrians to establish a stronger presence in the conquered territories. The governors acted as the local representatives of the central authority, ensuring that the rule of the Assyrian ruler was upheld and the interests of the empire were protected.

4. Information Flow: The governorship system facilitated the flow of information from the provinces to the Assyrian ruler. Governors acted as intermediaries, providing the ruler with reports on local developments, potential threats, and resources available within their respective provinces. This enabled the central authority to make informed decisions and respond promptly to any challenges or opportunities.

Overall, the technique of dividing the empire into provinces and appointing governors aimed to consolidate power, establish effective governance, and ensure the stability and control of the vast Assyrian empire.