use the list to answer the question.

-sir hector told his riddle to a soothsayer, who solved it.
-he brought the solution to the king , who was very impressed.
- to test his knights, the king provided each one with a riddle.
- most of the knights were stumped, but sir hector had a plan.
which sequence is the logical order for these events from the story, with 1 being the first event and 4 being the last event?(1 point)
A. 4,3,2,1
C. 2,4,3,1
D. 3,4,1,2


use the list to answer the question.

-Fred decided to try the new restaurant on its opening day.
- Fred read in the paper about a new restaurant opening down the street.
- as an opening day perk, the restaurant added a complimentary appetizer and dessert to every order.
- Fred ate way to much and still had leftovers to take home.
which sequence is the logical order of events for the story, with one being the first event and 4 being the last event?(1 point)
A. 2,1,3,4
B. 3,4,1,2
C. 4,3,2,1
D. 1,2,3,4

A. 2,1,3,4

use the paragraph to complete the activity.

Tara and Elton sat upright at their desks, but their eyes kept darting toward the clock. the countdown had begun early that morning. when the bell rang, they jumped out of their chairs and raced to the tennis courts.
drag the words to the correct locations.(1 point)

the paragraph is _ and _.

A. fast-paced
B. slow-paced
C. descriptive
D. active

A. fast-paced

D. active

The logical order for these events from the story is:

1. Sir Hector told his riddle to a soothsayer, who solved it.
2. Sir Hector brought the solution to the king, who was very impressed.
3. To test his knights, the king provided each one with a riddle.
4. Most of the knights were stumped, but Sir Hector had a plan.

The correct sequence is option C: 2, 4, 3, 1.

To determine the logical order of events from the given list, we can analyze the information provided:

1. Sir Hector told his riddle to a soothsayer, who solved it.
2. He brought the solution to the king, who was very impressed.
3. To test his knights, the king provided each one with a riddle.
4. Most of the knights were stumped, but Sir Hector had a plan.

From this information, we can deduce the logical sequence of events as follows:
- Event 1 must occur before Event 2, as Sir Hector needs to solve the riddle before bringing the solution to the king.
- Event 2 must occur before Event 3, as the king's impressed reaction is in response to the solution brought by Sir Hector.
- Event 3 must occur before Event 4, as the knights being stumped is a result of the riddles provided by the king.
- Sir Hector's plan being implemented (Event 4) can occur after the knights are stumped (Event 3).

Therefore, the correct logical order for these events is:
1. Sir Hector told his riddle to a soothsayer, who solved it.
2. He brought the solution to the king, who was very impressed.
3. To test his knights, the king provided each one with a riddle.
4. Most of the knights were stumped, but Sir Hector had a plan.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is:

C. 2,4,3,1