A marathon runner ran 26 miles in 4 hours. How many miles will the runner run in 1/2


1 7/8 mi

6 1/2 mi
13 mi

3 1/4 mi

6 1/2 mi

To find out how many miles the runner will run in 1/2 hour, we can use the formula:

Distance = (Speed * Time)

Since the runner ran 26 miles in 4 hours, we can calculate the speed of the runner as follows:

Speed = Distance / Time = 26 miles / 4 hours = 6.5 miles per hour

Now, we can plug in the values into the formula to calculate the distance the runner will run in 1/2 hour:

Distance = (Speed * Time) = (6.5 miles per hour) * (1/2 hour)

Distance = 6.5/2 = 3.25 miles

Therefore, the runner will run 3 1/4 miles in 1/2 hour. The correct answer is 3 1/4 mi.

To find out how many miles the runner will run in 1/2 hour, we can use the given information that the runner ran 26 miles in 4 hours.

First, we need to calculate the runner's average speed in miles per hour. We can do this by dividing the total distance (26 miles) by the total time (4 hours):

Average speed = Total distance / Total time
Average speed = 26 miles / 4 hours
Average speed = 6.5 miles per hour

Now that we know the runner's average speed is 6.5 miles per hour, we can find out how many miles the runner will run in 1/2 hour by multiplying the average speed by the time in hours:

Distance = Average speed x Time
Distance = 6.5 miles per hour x 1/2 hour

To multiply a number by a fraction, we multiply the numerator (top number) by the number and divide the result by the denominator (bottom number). In this case, we have:

Distance = (6.5 miles per hour) x (1/2 hour)
Distance = (6.5 x 1) / (2)
Distance = 6.5 / 2
Distance = 3.25 miles

Therefore, the runner will run 3 1/4 miles in 1/2 hour.