Net neutrality, or the idea that all internet traffic should be treated equally is an ongoing debate. What challenges do internet users face if big businesses like Google, Amazon, or Netflix use their financial power to influence internet access to their advantage?

1. Limited Access to Information: If large corporations control internet access, they can prioritize their content above others. This could potentially limit access to innovation, varied viewpoints, and reduced diversity of information. People would be largely constrained to what these companies want them to see.

2. Higher Costs: These companies could potentially charge more for their services. If ISPs also start charging for high-speed access to these platforms, the cost could eventually be passed on to consumers, resulting in an expensive internet experience for users.

3. Creation of Monopolies: Enabling big companies to dominate the internet could result in monopolies, stifling competition. Smaller businesses and start-ups that cannot afford to pay ISPs for faster speeds could suffer, leading to limited choices for consumers.

4. Privacy Concerns: Companies might collect more personal data to further tweak their traffic and gain advantage over competitors. This could possibly lead to increased security risks and infringements on privacy.

5. Slow Speed: Internet speed might be compromised for non-prioritized content. ISPs could create 'fast lanes' for companies that can pay more, slowing down the speed for everyone else.

6. Unfair Competition: In a scenario where large corporations can buy better visibility and higher speeds, smaller businesses or start-ups would face an unfair competition. This can hinder innovation and development of newer ideas and services.

7. Censorship: With financial power, there's a risk of these companies shaping the internet based on their own agenda. They may promote, demote, or even block certain content, leading to a form of censorship.

8. Digital Divide: It may further widen the digital divide. High-income users may afford the premium services while the low-income groups may end up having uncensored and slowed-down internet.

If big businesses like Google, Amazon, or Netflix use their financial power to influence internet access, it could create several challenges for internet users. Here are the potential challenges:

1. Limited access to certain websites or services: If these big businesses strike deals with Internet Service Providers (ISPs), they may gain preferential treatment, leading to faster and more reliable access to their services. This could result in other websites or services being slowed down or even blocked if they don't have the same financial means.

2. Reduced competition and innovation: By tilting the playing field in favor of large companies, it becomes harder for smaller competitors or startups to attract users and grow. This can stifle competition and limit innovation, as new ideas and services may struggle to gain traction if they can't afford the same level of access.

3. Higher costs for consumers: If big businesses have the power to influence internet access, they could potentially pass those costs on to consumers. This may manifest as higher subscription fees or having to pay additional charges for accessing certain websites or services not included in basic internet packages.

4. Limited consumer choice: When big businesses have a dominant influence over internet access, they can potentially shape the online experience according to their own interests. This might make it difficult for users to discover new websites or services outside of the ones promoted by these influential companies.

5. Inequality of information access: If certain websites or services are given preferential treatment over others, it can create an unequal distribution of information and knowledge. This can hinder the free flow of information and potentially restrict users from accessing diverse perspectives and alternative viewpoints.

6. Challenges to freedom of expression: If big businesses have the power to influence internet access, there is a risk that they could manipulate or control the information available to users. This could potentially infringe upon freedom of expression by limiting access to certain types of content or promoting specific viewpoints over others.

These challenges highlight the importance of preserving net neutrality principles, which aim to ensure equal and open access to the internet for all users.

If big businesses like Google, Amazon, or Netflix were to use their financial power to influence internet access in their favor, it could potentially result in several challenges for internet users. Here are some of them:

1. Limited access: These companies might negotiate deals with internet service providers (ISPs) to prioritize their own services and content over others. This could lead to a tiered internet, where certain websites or services are available at faster speeds and better quality, while others might experience slower loading times or even be blocked altogether. It would restrict users' access to the entire open internet and limit their choices.

2. Higher costs: In case these big businesses strike exclusive deals with ISPs, it is possible that they could pass on the costs to customers. Internet users may have to bear increased subscription fees or pay additional charges for accessing certain websites or online services that are not part of the agreement. This could create a financial barrier, especially for smaller businesses or individuals who cannot afford the additional costs.

3. Lack of innovation: Net neutrality has historically played a crucial role in fostering innovation on the internet. Without it, there is a risk that smaller businesses or startups might not be able to compete on a level playing field. If big companies can pay for preferential treatment, it could discourage innovation and limit the variety of online services available to users. This stifles competition and reduces incentives for new players to enter the market.

4. Limited freedom of expression: Net neutrality also helps protect freedom of expression online. If ISPs can control or manipulate access to content based on financial agreements with big companies, it opens the door to potential censorship or biased filtering of information. This could lead to a situation where certain opinions, news sources, or alternative viewpoints are marginalized or inhibited, limiting the diversity of ideas and perspectives available to internet users.

To understand the potential challenges of big businesses influencing internet access, it is important to stay informed about the ongoing net neutrality debates, follow news articles and analysis, and read official statements from relevant stakeholders including ISP providers, organizations advocating for net neutrality, and the big companies themselves. Public forums, social media discussions, and academic papers can also provide useful insights into the topic.