your cell phone plan costs 29.99 per month plus 0.14 for each text message you send or recieve. You have at most $35 to spend on your cell phone bill. What is the maxinum number of text messages that you can send or recieve next month?

The first thing you need to do is work out how much money is left for text messages after your monthly plan is paid.

$$35 - 29.99 = 5.01$$

Next, you need to calculate how many text messages you could get with $5.01 at a cost of $0.14 per text.

$$5.01 / 0.14 \approx 35.78571429$$

Since you can't send or receive a fraction of a text, you will have to round this answer down to the nearest whole number.

So, the maximum number of texts you can send or receive is 35.

To determine the maximum number of text messages you can send or receive next month, we need to calculate the total cost of the plan and the maximum number of text messages you can afford within your budget.

Let's start by calculating the amount you have available to spend on text messages:
Maximum budget for text messages = Total budget - Monthly plan cost
Maximum budget for text messages = $35 - $29.99 = $5.01

Next, we calculate the maximum number of text messages you can afford using the cost per text message:
Maximum number of text messages = Maximum budget for text messages / Cost per text message
Maximum number of text messages = $5.01 / $0.14 ≈ 35.79

Since you cannot send a fraction of a text message, you can send or receive a maximum of 35 text messages next month and still stay within your budget.

To find the maximum number of text messages you can send or receive next month with a budget of $35, you need to calculate the number of text messages that can be covered within that budget.

Let's start by deducting the monthly cost of the cell phone plan from your budget:
$35 - $29.99 = $5.01

This remaining amount, $5.01, represents the maximum amount you can spend on text messages. Since each text message costs $0.14, you can divide $5.01 by $0.14 to calculate the maximum number of text messages you can send or receive:

$5.01 / $0.14 ≈ 35.79

Since you can't send or receive fractions of a text message, you should consider the whole number part. This means you can send or receive a maximum of 35 text messages within your budget of $35.

Therefore, the maximum number of text messages you can send or receive next month is 35.