In bacteria, binary fission can be modeled in(1 point)


one stage.
one stage.

three stages.
three stages.

four stages.
four stages.

two stages.

four stages.

The process by which a modified stem or root of a parent plant grows offspring that remain attached is called(1 point)


binary fission.
binary fission.

tuber reproduction.
tuber reproduction.


vegetative reproduction.

vegetative reproduction.

In bacteria, binary fission can be modeled in two stages.

To answer this question, you would need to know the process of binary fission in bacteria. Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction in which a single bacterial cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by understanding the concept of binary fission. Binary fission occurs in several stages, each of which has specific processes.

2. Now, look at the options given. Choose an option that states the correct number of stages involved in binary fission.

From the options provided:
- "One stage" and "four stages" can be eliminated, as they don't match the known stages in binary fission.
- "Three stages" is also incorrect, as binary fission typically involves two stages.
- The correct option is "two stages," which matches the known process of binary fission.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is "two stages."