Which is an example of informal language? (1 point)

• discovering
•getting into
• being interested in
•finding out

getting into

The example of informal language among the given options is "getting into."

To determine which of the given options is an example of informal language, we need to understand what informal language means. Informal language refers to casual or colloquial speech typically used in personal conversations or informal writing.

Let's analyze each option:

1. Discovering: This term is more formal as it represents the action of finding or learning something new.

2. Getting into: This phrase is an example of informal language. It is commonly used in informal conversations to mean becoming interested in or participating in something.

3. Being interested in: This phrase is more neutral and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.

4. Finding out: This phrase is also an example of informal language. It is a more casual way of saying "discovering" or "learning" about something.

So, the example of informal language among the given options is "getting into."