Which of the following is the correct order of these structures from largest to smallest?

universe, solar system, galaxy, planet

universe, galaxy, solar system, planet

solar system, universe, planet, galaxy

planet, galaxy, solar system, universe


universe, galaxy, solar system, planet

The correct order of these structures from largest to smallest is:

universe, galaxy, solar system, planet

To determine the correct order of the structures from largest to smallest, we need to understand the hierarchical organization of these structures.

First, let's define each structure:

- Universe: The entirety of space, including all matter, energy, galaxies, and everything in between.
- Galaxy: A large collection of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter held together by gravitational forces.
- Solar system: A star (in this case, our Sun) and all the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies that orbit it.
- Planet: A celestial body that orbits around a star, has sufficient mass for self-gravity, and has cleared its orbit of other debris.

Now, let's examine the options and determine the correct order:

Option A: universe, solar system, galaxy, planet
The universe is indeed the largest structure, but a galaxy is larger than a solar system. Therefore, the correct order from largest to smallest is not represented here.

Option B: universe, galaxy, solar system, planet
This option correctly places the universe as the largest structure. Galaxies are indeed smaller than the universe, followed by solar systems, and then planets. This order is correct, so option B is a possible answer.

Option C: solar system, universe, planet, galaxy
This option incorrectly places the solar system as the largest structure, which is not accurate. The correct order from largest to smallest is not represented here.

Option D: planet, galaxy, solar system, universe
This option begins with the smallest structure, which is incorrect. Planets are smaller than galaxies, so this order is not accurate.

Therefore, the correct order of the structures from largest to smallest is option B: universe, galaxy, solar system, planet.