Multiple Choice Question

During which phase of the Moon does it reflect the most light to Earth?
new moon

waxing moon

waning moon

full moon

D. full moon

The correct answer is D. full moon.

To determine the phase of the Moon during which it reflects the most light to Earth, we need to understand how the different phases occur and how they affect the amount of reflected light.

The Moon undergoes different phases due to its position relative to the Sun and the Earth. The illumination of the Moon changes as it orbits the Earth, resulting in different amounts of sunlight being reflected back to us.

Now, let's analyze each option to find the correct answer:

A. New moon: During the new moon phase, the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun. From our perspective on Earth, the Moon appears dark because the side facing us is not illuminated by the Sun. Therefore, the new moon reflects the least light to Earth.

B. Waxing moon: The waxing moon phase occurs after the new moon and before the full moon. During this phase, the Moon gradually moves away from the Sun, causing an increasing amount of its illuminated side to face Earth. Therefore, more light is reflected during the waxing phase compared to the new moon.

C. Waning moon: The waning moon phase occurs after the full moon and before the new moon. During this phase, the Moon gradually moves closer to the Sun, resulting in a decreasing amount of its illuminated side facing Earth. Consequently, less light is reflected during the waning phase compared to the full moon.

D. Full moon: The full moon phase occurs when the Moon is positioned opposite the Sun, with Earth in between. This alignment causes the entire illuminated side of the Moon to face Earth, resulting in maximum light being reflected. Therefore, the full moon reflects the most light to Earth.

Given this information, the correct answer to the question is D. full moon. During the full moon phase, the Moon reflects the most light to Earth because its entire illuminated side is facing us.