For which activity does Panamá organize a yearly championship?

(1 point)

la canción
la canción

el ajedrez
el ajedrez

las artes marciales
las artes marciales

la natación

It is not specified in the given options which activity Panama organizes a yearly championship for.

The activity for which Panama organizes a yearly championship is "las artes marciales" (martial arts).

To find out which activity does Panama organize a yearly championship for, you can try looking up information about annual events and championships in Panama. You can search online using keywords such as "Panama yearly championship" or "Panama annual sporting event." Additionally, you can check out official websites or social media pages of sports federations or organizations in Panama.

Based on the given options, the activity for which Panama organizes a yearly championship is not mentioned. The options provided are "la canción" (the song), "el ajedrez" (chess), "las artes marciales" (martial arts), and "la natación" (swimming). None of these options specify the activity for the yearly championship organized in Panama.