In the balanced chemical equation, below, determine what the coefficient and the subscript represent in 6H2O.

Choose ALL the answers that are correct.

4CO2 + 6H20 → 2C2H6 + 7O2

The 6 coefficient represents 6 atoms in each water molecule.
The 6 coefficient represents 6 molecules of water.
The 2 subscript represents 2 atoms in each water molecule.
The 2 subscript represents 2 water molecules.


The 6 coefficient represents 6 molecules of water.
The 2 subscript represents 2 atoms in each water molecule.

The correct answers are:

b) The 6 coefficient represents 6 molecules of water.
d) The 2 subscript represents 2 water molecules.

In the balanced chemical equation 4CO2 + 6H2O → 2C2H6 + 7O2, the coefficient and the subscript in 6H2O can be explained as follows:

a) The coefficient 6 represents the number of molecules of water. So, by multiplying the coefficient 6 by Avogadro's number (6.022 × 10^23), you can calculate the number of water molecules.

b) Therefore, the correct answer is that the 6 coefficient represents 6 molecules of water.

c) The subscript 2 represents the number of hydrogen atoms in each water molecule.

d) Thus, the correct answer is that the 2 subscript represents 2 atoms in each water molecule.

Therefore, the correct answers are b and c.