Lee made a model of the solar system using common objects to represent Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and the planet Jupiter. For her model she used a basketball, a baseball, a Ping-Pong ball, and a marble. Based on the relative sizes of these objects, which of the following represents Earth in Lee's model?

the basketball

the baseball

the Ping-Pong ball

the marble

A. the basketball

To determine which object represents Earth in Lee's model, we can compare the relative sizes of the objects given.

In Lee's model:

- The basketball represents: _________
- The baseball represents: _________
- The Ping-Pong ball represents: _________
- The marble represents: _________

Based on the options A, B, C, and D, we need to identify the object that is most suitable to represent Earth in terms of its size.

To determine which object represents Earth in Lee's model, we need to compare the relative sizes of the basketball, baseball, Ping-Pong ball, and marble.

One way to do this is to research the sizes of the actual Earth, Moon, Sun, and Jupiter, and then compare those sizes to the sizes of the objects Lee used in her model.

Here are some approximate sizes for reference:
- Earth's diameter: 12,742 kilometers
- Moon's diameter: 3,474 kilometers
- Sun's diameter: 1,391,000 kilometers
- Jupiter's diameter: 139,820 kilometers

To find the best representation, we need to choose an object that is closest in size to the Earth based on the sizes of the actual objects Lee used.

Comparing the sizes of the objects, it is most likely that Lee used the basketball to represent Earth in her model, as it is the largest among the objects she used.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A. the basketball