though laid off from his corporate job, he wouldn't ____________ himself by doing manual labor.

subjugation, debase, or riveting


though laid off from his corporate job, he wouldn't debase himself by doing manual labor.

In order to determine the correct word to fill in the blank, we need to understand the meaning of each option: subjugation, debase, and riveting.

1. Subjugation: This refers to the act of bringing someone or something under complete control or domination. It doesn't fit the context of the sentence because it doesn't relate to the person's unwillingness to do manual labor.

2. Debase: This means to degrade or lower in quality, value, or dignity. While this word could be used to express the person's unwillingness to do manual labor, it doesn't quite fit within the given sentence structure.

3. Riveting: This term is unrelated to the person's unwillingness to do manual labor. It usually describes something that is captivating, engrossing, or very interesting.

When analyzing these options, none of them truly fit in the given sentence to convey the intended meaning. It seems like the suitable word is missing from the options provided.