
−217 ÷ −12 = 18.0833

To divide -217 by -12, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the division problem: -217 ÷ -12.

Step 2: Divide the absolute values of the numbers: 217 ÷ 12.

Step 3: The quotient is 18 with a remainder of 1.

Step 4: Assign the same sign as the dividend to the quotient. Since both -217 and -12 are negative, the quotient will also be negative.

Therefore, -217 ÷ -12 = -18 remainder 1, or simply -18.

To calculate the division of -217 by -12, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the dividend (-217) and the divisor (-12).

Step 2: Divide the absolute values of the dividend and divisor. Ignore the negative signs for now.

|-217| ÷ |-12| = 217 ÷ 12 = 18 with a remainder of 1

Step 3: Determine the sign of the quotient.

Since both the dividend and divisor are negative, the quotient will be positive.

Step 4: Write the quotient with the correct sign.

The quotient is 18, and since both numbers were negative, the final answer is -18.

Therefore, -217 divided by -12 is equal to -18.