Assess the style, tone, and content of the following passage and determine if it is the work of an American Romantic or American Realist. “The correspondent plainly saw the soldier. He lay on the sand with his feet out straight and still. While his pale left hand was upon his chest in an attempt to thwart the going of his life, the blood came between his fingers. In the far Algerian distance, a city of low square forms was set against a sky that was faint with the last sunset hues.” (1 point) Responses American Romantic American Romantic American Realist

Based on the given passage, the style, tone, and content indicate that it is the work of an American Realist. The passage focuses on objective, descriptive details, and portrays a scene in a straightforward and unembellished manner, without any emphasis on emotions or the supernatural. The language used is precise and devoid of excessive sentimentalism, which aligns with the realistic movement in literature.

Based on the passage provided, the style, tone, and content indicate that it is the work of an American Realist.

The passage emphasizes detailed descriptions of the scene, presenting it in a straightforward and matter-of-fact manner. The use of specific details, such as describing the soldier's position and the blood coming between his fingers, suggests a focus on depicting reality as it is. The tone is objective and detached, without excessive emotional or idealistic language typically associated with Romanticism. Overall, these characteristics align more closely with the conventions of American Realism.

To assess the style, tone, and content of the passage and determine if it is the work of an American Romantic or American Realist, we can examine certain characteristics of each literary movement.

American Romanticism, which took place in the mid-19th century, was known for its focus on emotions, individualism, imagination, and nature. Romantic works often contained vivid descriptions of landscapes and evoked strong emotions in the readers. On the other hand, American Realism, which emerged around the late 19th century, aimed to depict ordinary life and society in a straightforward and unidealized manner. Realist works often focused on ordinary people and their everyday struggles.

Looking at the passage, we can identify certain elements that align with the traits of American Romanticism. The detailed and descriptive language, such as the mention of the soldier's position, the blood between his fingers, and the sunset hues in the Algerian distance, evoke a sense of emotion and create vivid imagery. The focus on the soldier's attempt to hold onto life and the mention of distant city can also be seen as elements emphasizing individual experience and the wonders of nature.

Based on these characteristics, it can be concluded that the passage is more likely the work of an American Romantic rather than an American Realist. Therefore, the correct answer to this question would be "American Romantic."